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New Mom Life Hack: Sleep Tips For You And Baby

Are you a new mom who feels like you’re one of the zombies from The Walking Dead? Are you desperate for anything—anything—to help you and your baby sleep through the night? Then rest easily; here are a few life hacks to help you make it through (

Create a nightly ritual
This is for anyone who is having trouble getting to sleep at night. If you find your brain is running 100 mph, stop everything you’re doing about thirty minutes before you need to be asleep. Then go through a ritual that will make you ready for sleep. Lie down; relax; listen to calming music; put on a sleep mask. Do anything that will help you get into the mood for sleep.

Get sleep whenever you can
If your baby is taking a nap, your instinct is to try to get all the work done that you can. Don’t! Take a nap and refresh yourself. Any chance you get to grab even a fifteen-minute power nap will be essential.

Don’t feed at night
Give someone else the job of feeding the baby at night so you can get sleep. You don’t have to be the only one to handle the middle of the night duties like feeding and diapering. Get some sleep and push this obligation to your significant other. If you’re breastfeeding, be sure to pump so there’s plenty on hand and you can give your breasts a break as well.

If you’re having serious sleep issues, you should talk to your doctor. Sleep-deprived mothers are at a greater risk for postpartum depression. It’s definitely not something you want to ignore.

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