Three Locations in Arlington and Grand Prairie

Urinary Incontinence

Women's Health Services

OBGYNs located in Arlington, TX & Grand Prairie, TX

Urinary incontinence can be incredibly disruptive and can dictate the course of your days and nights. For women living in and around Arlington and Grand Prairie, Texas, the team at Women's Health Services can help with outstanding diagnostic and treatment services for urinary incontinence. When you’re ready to find answers and move toward solutions, book an appointment online or over the phone.

Urinary Incontinence Q & A

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a condition in which you cannot reliably control your bladder. There are several types of urinary incontinence, all of which can be treated.

Stress incontinence

This type of incontinence occurs when you place pressure on your bladder by laughing, exercising, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects.

Overflow incontinence

This type of incontinence occurs when you aren’t able to fully empty your bladder, and urine leaks or dribbles out.

Urge incontinence

This type of incontinence is marked by a sudden, intense need to urinate, often followed by an involuntary loss of urine.

Functional incontinence

This type of incontinence is not linked to a problem with your bladder, but stems from a mental or physical condition that prevents you from reaching a bathroom in time.

Some women suffer from mixed incontinence, which includes symptoms from two or more types of urinary incontinence.

When should I see a doctor for urinary incontinence?

Far too many women assume that urinary incontinence is just another part of growing older. In reality, there is no reason to live with incontinence when there are safe and effective treatments available.

Schedule a diagnostic exam if you notice changes in your bladder control. If incontinence begins to alter the course of your normal daily routines, treatment can help.

It’s important to learn the cause of incontinence, as the condition can indicate a more serious underlying medical problem. For older people or those with restricted mobility, urinary incontinence can increase the risk of falls, which can have serious ramifications.

What are some treatments for urinary incontinence?

Behavioral techniques can help you improve your bladder control, especially if your incontinence is mild. Your doctor can recommend techniques to help, ranging from bladder training to lifestyle changes like losing weight or altering your diet. Pelvic floor muscle exercises can also be effective.

Medications are another option and can reduce the urge to urinate. Some drugs work by increasing the amount of fluid your bladder can hold or improving your ability to fully void your bladder.

BotoxⓇ injections into your bladder muscle can help treat an overactive bladder. Another approach involves injecting special bulking materials into the tissues near your urethra, which helps reduce leakage.

In some cases, a surgical technique called a bladder suspension can help by delivering additional support and stabilization for your bladder. Often called a sling procedure, this option uses synthetic material to help keep your urethra closed.

If you’d like to learn more about these and other treatments for urinary incontinence, schedule a visit today. Online booking is one option, or you can always call to check availability.