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Common Signs Of Menopause

No matter what euphemism you call it—“The Change” being, of course, the most common—menopause is a major event in a woman’s life that can also be very emotional ( Your hormones are thrown massively out of whack during this time and you’re ending a major stage in your adult life—one that has been with you for forty years or more.

But how do you know if you have actually started menopause? Sometimes, it isn’t as simple as just saying that you’re menopausal. But there are a few definite signs early on that can hint at what is to come (

The first thing you should realize is that your body will start signaling you’re about to become menopausal. The signs that this is coming include:

If you have these symptoms and then go several months without a period, then chances are you have hit that point in your life. You should consult with your physician to find out about how this will impact your life from here on and how to handle some of the symptoms.

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