Three Locations in Arlington and Grand Prairie

Life After a Hysterectomy

Your OB/GYN may suggest a hysterectomy for many reasons. A hysterectomy — which is the removal of your female reproductive organs — can be used to treat many different conditions, including fibroids and endometriosis. 

Because a hysterectomy can dramatically improve the quality of your life — including relief from hard-to-treat endometriosis — our team of experienced providers at Women’s Health Services is happy to offer several surgical approaches to hysterectomy to ensure the best outcome. 

Regardless of why you need a hysterectomy, you may wonder what life will be like after your surgery. Although we provide specific post-op instructions when it comes to your procedure, here’s a glimpse of what post-hysterectomy could look like for you. 

Immediately after surgery

As with any surgery, you receive specific post-op instructions to follow. Depending on the type of surgery, you may need to care for your incision site. Immediately after surgery, you can expect:

Because a hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, you’ll also be placed on pelvic rest for about six weeks, or until one of our providers clears you for sexual intercourse. Plan to take some time off of work, too, especially if you undergo a traditional open abdominal surgery.

The end of your fertility … and the beginning of menopause

After your hysterectomy, you’re no longer able to conceive or carry a child. That’s because your entire uterus is removed. In addition to the end of your fertility, you may also enter menopause. If your ovaries were removed during the surgery, you may enter what’s called surgically induced menopause — even if you’re still in your childbearing years.

The good news is that you don’t have to cope with menopause on your own. The Women's Health Services team can help you as your body makes this hormonal shift.

Freedom from painful conditions

Despite dealing with post-op events like the onset of menopause, life after a hysterectomy can be very, very good, and here’s why: If you were dealing with a painful condition — such as stubborn fibroids — your hysterectomy can free you from the related pain. Heavy vaginal bleeding? Endometriosis? Uterine prolapse? A hysterectomy can relieve painful and pesky symptoms from all of these conditions.

At Women’s Health Services, we’re happy to provide gynecologic care you need — whether you need a Pap smear or help battling a yeast infection. If you need a hysterectomy, our experts can guide you through the process.

To learn more about the benefits of this surgery — and about life after a hysterectomy — schedule an appointment at one of our two convenient locations in Arlington, Texas, or simply use our online scheduling tool.

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