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How A Thyroid Problem Contributes to Heavy Periods

There are several health issues plaguing women, but none so common or frustrating as heavy periods. Heavy periods impact an estimated 10 million women in America every year. And are sometimes the result of thyroid issues. Fortunately, there are ways to treat your thyroid and ease your period symptoms. 

Our team of professional physicians at Women’s Health Services in Arlington, Texas specializes in many women’s health issues, including heavy periods

Overview of heavy periods

Do you have to constantly change your pad or tampon? Does your period last longer than the typical seven-day cycle? Do you have to double up and wear both a pad and a tampon? Sounds like you have heavy periods. 

Heavy periods can even cause blood clots, fatigue, or shortness of breath.

There are several reasons why you might have heavy periods. They could be due to hormonal imbalances, issues inside your uterus, obesity, or other blood disorders. Thyroid issues can also play a factor in developing heavy periods.

What's a thyroid?

There are many glands in various places around your body. Your thyroid is just another one of those glands. It’s shaped like a butterfly and sits at the front of your neck. This gland secretes several hormones that are responsible for regulating your metabolism, growth, development, and body temperature.

How does the thyroid impact my periods?

You might be wondering what a small gland in your neck has to do with your periods? A lot. Your thyroid releases hormones that react with other hormones, even the ones in your ovaries. 

If your thyroid is underactive, also known as hypothyroidism, and not producing enough hormones, it can impact your period in a couple of different ways.

First, it can prevent your ovaries from producing progesterone which is a hormone that can decrease your flow. Secondly, underactive thyroids can also reduce your ability to coagulate or stop bleeding. Without the ability to control your flow during each menstrual cycle, you’re at risk for developing heavy, uncomfortable, and inconvenient periods every month. 

The good news about having a thyroid issue is that it’s generally easy to diagnose and treat.

How is a thyroid problem treated?

When you visit our office, we'll first determine if you have a thyroid issue. To do this, we'll take a small blood sample to measure the number of hormones your thyroid is releasing. 

Treating hypothyroidism usually means you’ll have to take a hormone replacement to support your thyroid and get your system back to normal.

For most women, periods are inevitable. So make sure they're as comfortable as possible. Getting help for your heavy periods is the first step towards a happier and more comfortable life. 

Don’t let another month go by stressing about your period and struggling to manage the symptoms. Visit our website today to schedule an appointment online to get the help and support you need.

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