Myths and Facts About Breastfeeding
Are you a new mom who’s concerned about breastfeeding – how to do it, how to do it well? When you have a baby, everyone wants to give you advice, but not all advice is created equal. There are a lot of myths about breastfeeding out there, and not knowing the truth can be potentially harmful.
The truth is, every woman’s body is different, and every baby has different needs. At Women’s Health Services in Arlington, Texas, our caring staff can provide you with a customized plan with your unique needs in mind – and your baby’s.
Here are just a few common myths about breastfeeding:
Myth: Your breast milk can suddenly disappear.
This is highly unlikely. You will one day experience a reduction in breast milk as your baby grows, but losing it all at once is quite rare. The truth is, milk supply can fluctuate. Often, when a mom decides to wean her baby, she still produces milk for several months to a year afterward.
If you’re concerned that you’re not making enough breast milk, our team can help.
Myth: If your breasts don’t grow during pregnancy, you won’t produce enough milk.
Definitely not true. Though some women have milk supply issues, breast size is irrelevant. Women with larger breasts can have problems producing milk, while women with smaller breasts have no problems. A common refrain you’ll hear from us is that every woman’s body is different, because it’s true! But if you’re concerned about not producing enough milk to feed your baby, we can recommend various ways to increase your supply.
Myth: Breast milk is best for your baby’s overall health.
There is only one known advantage of breast milk over formula: Breast milk contains antibodies that can reduce the risk of infection in your baby. Beyond that, there is no nutritional difference between breast milk and formula.
There are many complicated reasons that some women are unable to breastfeed, and none of them make them bad moms. If formula ends up being the preferred option for your baby, we can recommend which brands to try. Contrary to the common saying, breast is not always best, but fed is.
Myth: Breastfeeding is painful.
It’s normal for your nipples to feel tender for the first few weeks, but if there’s any pain in breastfeeding, it could be because your baby isn’t latching properly. We can help you navigate any difficulties and make the process go as smoothly as possible for both you and baby.
Learn more about breastfeeding myths and facts
If you have questions or concerns about breastfeeding, please call us to schedule an appointment. We have two locations in Arlington and can be reached at 817-591-2715 and 817-677-1003. You can also schedule an appointment online.