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The “Other” Talk You Need To Have With Your Tween

The dreaded part of having a teenager is the uncomfortable feeling and general awkwardness when you have “the talk” about sex and sexuality. But there’s another talk that’s also important to have with your child. This second one involves the idea of body image. This is a time when kids are becoming more aware of their physical appearance and you want to help them develop a positive self-image without fear of body shaming. Here’s how to do just that (

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I’m Embarrassed About My Frequent Urination

Everybody has to go, but when you have to pee too often, it can be not very comfortable. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many women struggle with frequent urination. There are always solutions, so you no longer have to be embarrassed.
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8 Symptoms of Menopause

As you approach menopause you may experience a host of symptoms. Learn about the 8 most common ones.

Why and When Is a Pap Smear Recommended?

The Pap test is one of the most successful cancer screening tools ever made available in the United States, and doctors still recommend it as part of your routine preventive care. Check these facts about when and why to have a Pap smear.