The dreaded part of having a teenager is the uncomfortable feeling and general awkwardness when you have “the talk” about sex and sexuality. But there’s another talk that’s also important to have with your child. This second one involves the idea of body image. This is a time when kids are becoming more aware of their physical appearance and you want to help them develop a positive self-image without fear of body shaming. Here’s how to do just that (
- First, point out that magazines and celebrities don’t reflect reality. Too many children are exposed to these unrealistic body images through the media and they need to learn that, just like cartoons weren’t reflective of real life, many of these celebrity bodies aren’t necessarily something they have to aspire to.
- Talk about the clothes they wear and how they may send messages to others. You should talk to your child about what to wear that looks appropriate and what doesn’t for certain social situations.
- Be open with your child about your own struggles with body images. We all went through this as a teenager, wanting to look like everyone else to fit in. By sharing your own experiences, you may get some sarcastic eye-rolls from your child, but it will make a point with them. At the same time, be sure to be a good role model by not putting down your own appearance and taking pride in how you look.