Three Locations in Arlington and Grand Prairie

I’m Embarrassed About My Frequent Urination

 I’m Embarrassed About My Frequent Urination

Maybe you must constantly interrupt your daily routine to dash for the bathroom or can’t even remember the last night you slept without multiple bathroom breaks. 

You may have to fixate on bathroom locations while away from home. Giving up so much time and energy to bathroom breaks is frustrating, and you’re not alone in feeling embarrassed about it. 

Here at Women’s Health Services, our all-female team of providers understands how women feel about frequent urination and how it affects their lives. 

We get it: You want to feel like you used to before your bladder seemingly set out to humiliate you. And we have good news: There’s a reason for your frequent urination. We can find it and help you get back to your normal life. 

Our April blog covers the possible causes of frequent urination and outlines our solutions. Read on to discover why you’re embarrassed and what we can do. 

Defining frequent urination

Most people need to urinate four to eight times in a 24-hour period. More than that is usually considered frequent urination. 

Overnight, many people wake up once to urinate. Waking up twice or more to visit the bathroom at night is usually classified as frequent urination. 

But, of course, this can vary with the individual. You’re likely to urinate more frequently as you age, particularly at night.

Causes of frequent urination 

Frequent urination has a long list of potential causes, and at Women’s Health Services, we consider it our job to find and treat them. Some of the main causes of increased urinary frequency in women are:


Women have a higher risk of frequent urination than men. A large five-country study examining lower urinary tract symptoms and OAB concluded that women are not only more likely to have frequent urination but that they’re also more likely to be bothered by those symptoms. 

Solutions for frequent urination

We offer personalized treatments for frequent urination so you never have to be embarrassed about it again. Although every woman’s needs are different, we generally begin with lifestyle changes. 

For example, our team may recommend avoiding diuretic substances, cutting off liquid intake a couple hours before bed, or bladder training exercises. 

Suppose you experience urinary incontinence alongside your increased urinary frequency. In that case, we may recommend additional treatments, such as medication, Botox® bladder injections, or minimally invasive surgery that helps support and hold your bladder in place. 

Is the embarrassment over frequent urination making you avoid the things you enjoy? It’s time to get help from our compassionate team of women-centered OB/GYNs. Contact us online or at 817-277-9415 to schedule an appointment in our Arlington or Grand Prairie office.

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